Saturday, January 15, 2011

Welcome and join me on an Etymological Journey of Words, Phrases and Personal Stories

I just want to introduce myself and invite you to join me.  My name is Gaetana, but most people call me Gee.  I am so very Happy to be alive!  I was born in Brooklyn, New York, by way of two wonderful parents from Albany, Georgia, who were raised simply but they were both exceptional and phenomenal as parents.  They were resilient, hard working and showed me tremendous love.  More importantly, along the way I learned that their love was the highest form and expression of God's love.  Their love was and is unconditional.  That love exposure drew me to learn more about God's love and to make my own connection with HIM.  That connection has me learning more about who I am, and to learn more about what he wants me here on this earth, at this time, to do and be.  What is my God purpose?  Better yet, what is our God Purpose?

I am searching and learning and discovering every day about the God Purpose in me.  They are the strengths that I witness and that others affirm and acknowledge daily.  I see and affirm God's' purpose in many of you, my friends and family.  Let's get better at bringing that God Purpose to our everyday life and experiences. 

We can do it through words.  Words have power.  Great Power!    I want to share a few of them with you that have been burning in my mind. Once we examine the words they must be followed up with targeted and clear action!  Let's experience together the growth experience that we can have through the study of words put to action through our own personal life stories.  Don't be scurred (smile)...I will start with my own stories and experiences and I invite you to join me by following along and sharing your connections (or disconnection) to the words that we will explore.  We will look at 2 words or phrases a month. I will start off by looking back on my past experiences with those words and how I live to be better at bringing to life my God purpose.

Read the introduction of myself on the left of this blog then become a follower with me on this word exploration.  Feel free to write down your experiences for our communal and collective growth!  Once you join you will get notices about our new bi-weekly word or phrase of reflection and renewal.  If you would like, please share this with others that you have a strong connection with that you feel are on the same path of self-exploration and growth.  There is no age limit to this journey- we can learn from each other young and older.  I am clear that this is not a journey I should take alone although I am willing to go it alone.  Many of the stories that I have to tell involve many of you.  We have lived and have had or still have very interesting, strange yet impactful experiences together.  and...Don't be surprised if a story or two of mine mentions you.  Why, it is through many of our life experiences together that we have found, acknowledged or may not realize as, our God Purpose.  Let's get to work!

I can't wait for the transformation that will happen in us.  His words and phrases are THE ultimate PARENT LANGUAGE. Hence the name of this blog, THEPARENTLANGUAGE.  Let's learn more and explore and be renewed together!  Our first word of discovery begins on February 1, 2011.

Love, Gee

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Examining words that inspire actions that propels you and me to come alive and fulfill our Godgiven purpose!